Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Yoga for Weight Reduction

Yoga for Weight Reduction

Yoga for Weight ReductionAnother great benefit of Yoga is its ability to reduce weight. Through different asanas of Yoga we can easily reduce extra fat from our body. Some of the asanas stimulate sluggish glands to increase their hormonal secretions. For example, the thyroid gland has a big effect on our weight as it affects body metabolism. Asanas like shoulder stand and the fish posture are particular for the thyroid gland. These asanas increase fat metabolism thereby converting fat to muscle and energy. This is like killing two birds by a single stone. You will not only loose fat but also have a better muscle tone and vitality.

Yoga deep breathing helps in increasing the oxygen intake to the body cells, including the fat cells. This results into burning up of fat cells. Another amazing aspect of Yoga is that it reduces anxiety which, in turn, reduces anxious eating. It is human tendency that whenever we are tensed we tend to swallow our food without deriving much satisfaction and pleasure. In the process we end up eating more. On the other hand, if we approach our meals with better mood, we tend to be less likely to overeat in a worried effort to calm our anxieties. Yoga plays an important role in making us more calm and cool.

Some of us have a habit of eating between the meals. Here also Yogic practices come handy. One can take the help of Yogic aids when feeling tempted in between the meals. In such situations one may intentionally turn to Yoga rather than looking for some snacks. The knowledge and power derived from Yoga also makes us aware of problems like obesity which may prevent the individual from overeating. Such is the magic and charisma of Yoga that you tend to attain a balanced weight i.e. if your weight is normal, it will remain the same where as in case of underweight, you will gain weight.

Yoga & Knowledge

Yoga & Knowledge

Yoga & KnowledgeYoga helps an individual not only to realize his own self but also understand other issues around him/her. Yogic theory and practice lead to increased self-knowledge. Yogic practices like breathing and posture exercises help in attaining and maintaining health, physical and mental, and relaxation. The knowledge gained through Yoga is not simply that of the practical kind relating to techniques, but of a spiritual sort pertaining to grasping something about the nature self and other matters.

One can not be called a knowledgeable person until unless he/she has proper understanding of the processes and happenings going all around. More than that, if one does not know himself/herself, it is very tough to comprehend the surroundings. Knowing the self at rest, at peace, as a being rather than merely as an agent or doer, is a legitimate kind of knowledge but unfortunately that is lost in the mad rush of fulfilling our desires. The value of discovering one's own self and of enjoying one's self as it is, rather than what it is going to be, is undeniably worth as well as a kind of knowledge.